Friday 6 September 2013

皮蛋酥 ~ Century egg flaky mooncake




面粉    170g
糖粉    15g
白油    60g
面粉    160g
白油    90g
莲蓉馅 560
1.馅料(D)的莲蓉馅分成35g .每份包入一片皮蛋,搓圆待用。
2.水皮材料的面粉,糖粉,白油搅在一起, 加入水搓成团,揉成长条,分成16等份。
5.将(4)放入预热的烤箱,以180度烘20 ~ 25分钟至金黄色即可取出待冷。
Century egg flaky mooncakes
Ingredients :
Water dough :
Plain flour  170g
Icing sugar 15g
Shortening 60g
Water 80ml
Oil dough :
Plain flour 160gShortening 90g
For filling :
2 century eggs ( cut each into 8 parts )
Lotus paste 560g
Method :
1. Divide filling into 35g each .Wrap in a piece of sliced century egg .Shape round , set aside .
2. Combine flour,icing sugar ,shortening of water dough ingredients together .Add in water and knead to a dough .Roll into a long strip .Cut into 16 portions .
3. Combine oil dough ingredients together . Roll into a long strip . Cut into 16portions .
4. Flatten a piece of no.(2) .Wrap in no.(3) , use a rolling pin to flatten .Next  , roll up like a swiss rol . Repeat the step once more  . Now roll it out into a round . Wrap in no.(1)  and seal  edges facing downwards  . Repeat process. Arrange on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper . Glaze the surfaces .
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180c for 20 ~ 25minutes till golden brown . Remove and cool well .

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