Friday 27 December 2013

酸甜沙葛排骨 ~ Sweet & sour spare ribs with jicama


食谱取自 新新饮食, 83


材料 A :
500g 排骨 ,砍块
粟粉 100g
蒜茸  1/2大匙

材料 B :
沙葛 200g , 去皮,切块
粟粉 50g

蚝油  1大匙
生抽   1/2大匙
胡椒粉   1/4小匙
麻油  1小匙

番茄酱 3大匙
辣椒酱  2大匙
生抽  1/2大匙
酸柑汁 1大匙  ( 我用酸梅酱 )
胡椒粉   1/4小匙


1 排骨加入腌料拌匀,腌2个小时。

2 烧热炸油,沙葛加入盐拌匀,加入粟粉拌匀。放入热油炸至微黄色,捞起备用。


4 留油1大匙,爆香蒜茸,加入排骨和调味料炒匀。最后加入沙葛炒匀。便可盛起享用。


Recipe source : YumYum @ No.83

Sweet & sour spare ribs with jicama

Ingredients  A :
500g spare ribs, cut into pieces
cornstarch 100g
chopped garlic  1/2tbsp

Ingredients B :
200g jicama , peeled and cut into pieces
1/4tsp salt
cornstarch 50g

Marinade :
1tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tsp light soy sauce
1/4tsp pepper
1tsp sesame oil
2tsp sugar

Seasoning :
3tbsp tomato sauce
2tbsp chilli sauce
1/2tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp lime juice ( I replaced with sour plum sauce )
1/4tsp pepper
1/2tbsp sugar
a little dark soy sauce
100ml water

Method :

1.  Combine spare ribs with marinade and season for 2 hours .

2. Heat up oil for deep-frying . Combine jicama with salt and then mix with cornstarch . Deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown. Dish and drain .

3. Coat marinade spare ribs with cornstarch . Deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown . Dish and drain .

4. Leave 1tbsp oil in wok and sauté chopped garlic until aromatic . Add in spare ribs , seasoning and stir-fry until well mixed . Lastly , add jicama and stir well . Dish up and serve .




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