Tuesday 21 January 2014

富贵临门 (芽菇焖花腩肉) ~ Braised Pork Belly with Arrowroot

食谱取自 Regine Loy


三层肉  300g
黑木耳   20(清水泡软)
冬菇    6  (清水泡软)
芽菇    200g (削皮、切块状)
南乳    2
姜茸    1小匙
蒜茸    1小匙
绍兴酒   1大匙
清水    250ml

蚝油   1大匙
酱油   1/2大匙
黑酱油 1/2小匙

1. 把三层肉放入沸水中煮15分钟,取出,待冷后切厚块。

2. 锅里热1大匙油,爆香姜、蒜茸和南乳,加入三层肉、冬菇和黑木耳兜炒片刻至香浓,加入清水和调味料煮沸。

3. 加入芽菇拌炒,盖上,以中小火焖煮约30~ 45分钟至汁浓稠,即可上桌。

Recipe source : Regine Loy

Braised Pork Belly with Arrowroot

Ingredients :
pork belly  300g
black fungus 20g  ( soaked until soft )
Chinese dried mushroom  6 ( soaked until soft )
arrowroot   200g  ( peeled and cut into pieces )
preserved red beancurd  2 pieces
chopped ginger   1tsp
chopped garlic    1tsp
ShaoXing wine   1tbsp
water  250ml

Seasoning :
oyster sauce 1tbsp
soy sauce   1/2tbsp
dark soy sauce  1/2tsp
some rock sugar

Method :
1. Bring a pot of water to boil , add in pork belly and cook for 15 minutes . Rinse and cut into pieces .

2. Heat pan with 1tbsp of oil , sauté chopped garlic , ginger and preserved red beancurd . Add in pork belly , Chinese dried mushroom and black fungus . Stir-fry until fragrant ,then add in water and seasoning . Bring to boil .

3. Add in arrowroot and covered . Braised at low heat about 30 ~ 45 minutes or until sauce thicken . Serve with rice .

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