Tuesday 22 April 2014

韩式红豆擂沙汤圆 ~ Korean style Red Bean Glutinous Rice Balls / Susu Pattteok ( 수수팥떡 )


食谱取自 小小米桶

韩式紅豆擂沙汤圆 (小紅豆糕 )

红豆 1   250ml 的量杯。洗淨,用清水泡约半天 )
   3 ~ 4煮紅豆用的)

糯米粉 1 (250ml 的量杯)
红豆擂沙   1
水適量 (可用煮红豆的汁液)
蜂蜜  2~3大匙

1. 将红豆放入锅中,加入3杯的水煮滾后,转小火再煮约5分钟,蓋上锅蓋並熄火,焖至溫度降至微溫后再打开锅蓋,煮至滾后转小火再煮约5分钟,再蓋上锅蓋,熄火焖至溫度降至微溫。重復相同动作约3 ~ 4次,直到红豆煮软但不破皮,再打开锅蓋,小火煮至汤汁微收。

2. 将红豆用网勺沥干汤汁,放回鍋中,拌入糖與盐,再以小火拌炒至水份蒸发,备用.( 1 ) .                              
~ 1 / picture 1 ~

3. 将做法(2)的红豆放入保鮮袋中,用擀面棍或空酒瓶压碎或是直接在锅中用擀面棍擂成碎沙狀 (放入保鲜袋中擀压,会比较好操作) . ( 1 )
4. 将擂好的红豆擂沙平躺在浅盘上,备用 (预先取出一杯的份量)

5. 将糯米粉放入大碗中,加入先前预留一杯份量的红豆擂沙,混合均勻先加入少量的水或红豆汤汁搅拌。然后边揉边加入適量的水直至成为光滑的糯米粉团。备用。( 2 )

~ 2 / picture 2 ~

6.然後将红豆糯米粉团搓成条状,並分切小团,搓成汤圆状,备用。( 2 )
7. 锅內放適量的水,水滾放入汤圆煮至浮起,再继续煮1~2分钟。( 3 )
~ 3 / picture 3 ~
8. 将煮熟的汤圆沥干水份(一定要沥干喔),放入碗中,加入蜂蜜拌勻. 再将拌有蜂蜜的汤圆轻轻的裹上一层红豆擂沙,即可。( 3 )

* 一颗一颗的比较好裹,而且只要轻轻将红豆擂沙沾撒在汤圆上。如果一直去搓滾汤圆,反而不利汤圆沾黏住红豆擂沙喔。


Recipe source : mitongwu

Korean style Red bean Glutinous Rice Balls / Susu Pattteok ( 수수팥떡 )

For grind red bean paste
Ingredients :
1 cup red bean ( 250ml per cup . Wash and soak in water for half day )
3 ~ 4cups water ( for cooking red bean )   
1/2tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar

For glutinous rice balls
Ingredients :
1 cup glutinous rice flour  
1 cup grind red bean paste  
water or juice from the cooked red bean
2tbsp sugar
2~3tbsp honey

Method :
1. For grind red bean paste , in a saucepan add in soaked red bean and 3 cups of water . Bring to boil , turn to low heat and cook for another 5 minutes . Covered and turn off heat . Simmer for a while until the temperature reduced a bit . Then open the lid , and repeat 3 ~ 4 times  or until the red bean are cooked but not mashed .

2. Drain excess water and put it back to the saucepan or wok ,add in sugar and slat . Stir-fry until it become dry . Set aside . ( Picture 1 )

3. Place red bean into a plastic bag , using a rolling pin or  beer bottle crush the red bean into find paste . ( Picture 1 ) 

4. Measure 1 cup of the paste and the rest just set aside .

5. Place glutinous rice flour in a large bowl. Add in 1 cup grind red bean paste and mix well . Add water bit by bit. Knead flour along the way, and some flour crumbs would be created. Then add a bit of water at room temperature. Continue to knead until the surface is not sticky but silky .
( Picture 2 )

6. Roll out the dough on a clean surface and stretch into a long strip. Roll each part into a small ball with your palms. Set aside . ( Picture 2 )

7. Place the rice balls into boiling water and boil for 1 ~ 2 minutes after the balls rise to the top. ( Picture 3 )

8. Spoon out glutinous balls on a platter and shake off excess water. Drizzle with some honey and coat the rice balls with grind red bean paste and serve immediately.  ( Picture 3 )


I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest : Korea ~ April 2014 , hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts .

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