Monday 7 July 2014

抹茶魔术卡士达蛋糕 ~ Matcha Magic Custard Cake


最近除了有爆红的日式练奶面包,还有一个很受欢迎的蛋糕 ~~~魔术卡士达蛋糕

这个蛋糕蛮特别的, 一口咬下去有三种不同的口感哦 !冷藏后更好吃!

食谱取自 : Baking Taitai


113g  无盐奶油
480g  鲜牛奶
4  全蛋 (黄白分开,每粒60克包括壳)
100g  普通面粉
15g   绿茶粉
45g  糖粉
2大匙 细砂糖
1茶匙 香草精

1. 预热烤箱至160度。准备一个8寸方烤盘。烤盘上的周围涂油,铺上烘焙纸,让纸的边缘高过烤模侧壁,备用。(周边纸的高度超过烤盘,用订书钉固定,这样蛋糕烤熟后方便拿出)。

2. 融化牛油,并隔一边降温。牛奶稍微加之微温备用,面粉和绿茶粉一起过筛,备用。

3. 用电动搅拌机把蛋白打至泡泡状态,加入2大匙细砂糖,打至干性发泡的状态

4. 在另外一个碗里,把蛋黄和糖份搅拌到松发,然后加入融化的牛油和水,搅打约2分钟。倒入过筛后的面粉和绿茶粉,搅打均匀。

5. 轻轻的倒入牛奶,用手搅拌器拌均匀。

6. 将蛋白霜分三次加入蛋黄面糊中,用刮刀把面糊翻拌均匀(慢慢用按压的方式将蛋白霜和蛋黄糊混合)。

7. 将面糊倒入烤盘,烤约5060分钟,之表面呈金黄色,或用竹签插入蛋糕中心而不沾粘即可。

8. 蛋糕完全冷却后,洒上糖粉即可。


Recipe source : Baking Taitai

Matcha Magic Custard Cake

Ingredients : (makes an 8 inch cake ) ( I used 8"x 8"x 2"square pan with removable base )
113g unsalted butter
480g fresh milk
1tbsp water
4 eggs, separated (60g each, weight with shell)
115g plain flour
145g icing sugar
2tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Extra icing sugar for dusting

Method :
1. Preheat oven to 160c . Lightly grease and line a 8 “ baking pan with baking paper .

2. Melt the butter and set aside to cool slightly . Warm the milk to lukewarm and set aside . In a separate bowl , sift flour and matcha powder together .

3. Use an electric mixer and whisk the egg whites till foamy , add in caster sugar and whisk till stiff peak .

4. In another bowl , beat the egg yolks and icing sugar until light and fluffy . Add in melted butter and 1tbsp water , beat for about 2 minutes or until evenly well-combined . Mix in the sifted flour until evenly incorporated .

5. Slowly beat in the milk and vanilla extract until everything is well mixed .

6. Fold in the egg whites , 1/3 at a time . Repeat until all of the egg whites are folded in .

7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 50 ~ 60 minutes until the top is golden brown or test with a skewer which comes out clean , the cake is done .

8. Allow cake to cool completely cool before cutting and then dust with icing sugar .


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