Thursday 27 November 2014

班兰椰香芝士蛋糕 ~ Pandan Coconut Milk Cheesecake


做给自己的生日蛋糕 ~~~~ 祝我生日快乐 ! ^0^

食谱取自 :芝味十足


1 8海棉蛋糕   
120g / 8 消化饼 (压碎 *
60g  溶化牛油

A :
500g 奶油芝士
3 蛋黄
2大匙 浓缩班兰叶汁 **
100ml 浓椰浆

B :
3 蛋白
100g 幼糖

50ml  淡味奶油
10g 无盐奶油
60g 白巧克力 (切碎

10ml  淡味奶油
1/8小匙  无盐奶油
13g  巧克力 (切碎)



3.在干净的搅拌缸中,将蛋白和幼糖拌打至软性发泡,然后分3次加入( 2 )混合料里,充分拌匀。



6. 白奶油酱 : 将淡味奶油和无盐奶油煮滚,离火,加入白巧克力碎,拌匀至滑,待稍冷却。

7. 黑奶油酱 :  将淡味奶油,无盐奶油和巧克力煮至溶化,待稍冷却。




*  将全部材料拌匀,压在8 脱底圆形模里,放进冰箱冷冻20分别钟至硬。

** 浓缩班兰叶汁是用新鲜的班兰叶加入水打烂取汁。然后放入冰箱里冷冻3~ 4小时或隔夜,让班兰叶汁沉淀,倒掉上层较透明的部分,留下底层深绿色的汁用即可。

Recipe source : The Ultimate Indulgence Cheesecake

Pandan Coconut Milk Cheesecake

Base :
1 slice 8” sponge cake
120g digestive biscuits ( crushed )  *
60g melted butter

Cream cheese mixture
A :
500g cream cheese
3 egg yolks
2tbsp thick pandan juice **
100ml thick coconut milk

B :
3 egg whites
100g castor sugar

White ganache :
50ml  whipping cream
10g unsalted butter
60g white chocolate ( broken into pieces )

Black ganache :
10ml  whipping cream
1/8tsp unslated butter
13g chocolate  ( broken into pieces )

Method :
1. Preheat oven to 200c . Line a 8” round cake tin with grease proof paper and put a piece of prepared sponge cake .

2. Beat cream cheese with egg yolks until smooth . Add pandan juice , thick coconut milk and stiir well .

3. In a clean mixing bowl , whisk egg whites and castor sugar at high speed until soft peak is formed . Mix in mixture ( 2 ) in 3 batches .

4. Pour cream cheese mixture onto sponge cake and level the surface .

5. Steam-bake the cheesecake in the pre-heated oven at 200c for 15 minutes or until the surface is lightly brown . Reduce the heat to 150c and bake for another 50 minutes or until cooked . Turn off heat . Leave the cake to cool in oven with door ajar for 1 hour .

6. To make white ganache : Bring whipping cream and butter to boil , remove from heat . Add in  chocolate pieces , stir until mixture is smooth . Leave to luke warm .

7. To make black ganache , melt all ingredients until smooth . Leave to luke warm .

8. Sprinkle some black ganache on top of cake , spread white ganache on top to make marble pattern .

9. Chill cheesecake in the fridge for 4 hours. Remove cake from tin . Cut into pieces and serve .

* Mix biscuits crumbs with melted butter evenly and press into a 8” round loose bace cake tin . Chill in the fridge for 20minutes or until firmed .

**  Thick pandan juice can be obtained by blending fresh pandan leaves with water . Pour it into a cup and keep it in the fridge for 3 ~ 4 hours or overnight . Pour away the clear water on top and use the dark green pandan juice at the bottom .

I'm submitting this post to Cook-Your-Books # 18 , hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours .


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