Sunday 25 January 2015

佛钵飘香 ~ Golden Yam Ring


300g 芋头( 蒸熟 ,压烂
60g 澄面粉
60g 白奶油
1/2 茶匙 发粉
80ml 滚水
1/2 茶匙
1/2 茶匙
1/2 茶匙 五香粉

150g  去骨鸡腿肉( 切丁, 泡热油
1/2 茶匙蒜茸
40g 洋葱 ( 切丁 )
1/2 /红灯笼椒 切丁

适量米粉 炸酥

1/2大匙 蚝油
1小匙 酱油
1小匙 黑酱油
2大匙 清水
适量粟粉水( 勾芡水)

1 将澄面粉先用滚水拌匀成熟团,加入芋泥中。再将白奶油和其余的材料A一起轻轻搓均匀成芋团。把芋团做成环圆形,放在冰箱冷藏1小时。


3.锅里烧热1大匙麻油,爆香蒜茸. 加入所有材料B , 稍微炒一下。然后加入调味料和清水,以大火炒至香浓。


Golden Yam Ring

Ingredients A :
300g yam ( steamed & mashed )
60g wheat starch
60g shortening
1/2 tsp baking powder
80ml boiling water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp five spice powder

Ingredients B :
150g deboned chicken thigh meat ( cut into cubed  and pan-fry until half –cooked  )
1/2 tsp chopped garlic
40g onion ( diced  )
1/2  red/green capsicum ( cut into pieces )
3 pieces dry chillies ( cut into section )

Ingredients C :
some toasted cashew nuts
some rice vermicelli ( meehoon ) ( deep fried in hot oil until lightly brown )

Seasoning :
1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp soy sauce
1tsp dark soy sauce
1tsp sugar
2tbsp water
2tbsp Shao Xing wine / Chinese cooking wine
cornstarch solution ( for thickening )

Method :
1. Mix together wheat starch and boiling water until well combined . Add in mashed yam , then add in others ingredient A Knead gently until it become a smooth , soft dough and make into a ring shape . Keep in the refrigerator for 1 hour .

2. Heat up oil , deep-fry yam ring at high heat until golden brown . Dish and drain .

3. Heat wok with 1tbsp sesame oil , sauté chopped garlic . Then add in all ingredients B , stir-fry until fragrant . Add in seasoning and water , stir until well combined .

4. Add in cornstarch solution  and Shao Xing wine .Dish up , sprinkle some toasted cashew nuts and fried meehoon . Serve .

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