Tuesday 30 June 2015

南瓜乳酪戚风蛋糕 ~ Pumpkin Cheese Chiffon Cake

食谱取自  : carol自在生活


75g  奶油乳酪 放置室温回软 ,切成小块 ( 我用提拉米苏蛋糕卷剩下的 mascarpone cheese 馅料 )
5 蛋黃
20g  细砂糖
150g  南瓜泥 蒸熟放涼,压成泥状
35g  玉米油 
12g  牛奶
100g低筋麵粉 过筛

5 蛋白
1茶匙  檸檬汁
70g  细砂糖

1. 奶油乳酪用打蛋器搅拌成乳霜状 。依序将蛋黃,细砂糖,南瓜泥,玉米油,牛奶加入用打蛋器搅拌均勻

2. 再将篩好的低筋面粉分2次加入搅拌均勻成為无粉粒的南瓜乳酪面糊。

3. 蛋白先用打蛋器打出一些泡沫,然后加入柠檬汁及细砂糖 ( 2次加入 ) 打成尾端挺立的蛋白霜

4. 先挖一大匙蛋白霜混入南瓜乳酪面糊中用橡皮括刀延着盆边翻转及画圈圈的方式搅拌均勻 。然再将拌勻的面糊倒入剩下的蛋白霜中混合均勻

5. 倒入8吋中空烤模中.进炉前在桌上敲几下敲出较大的气泡,放入已经预热到160c的烤箱中烘烤45-50钟或至熟。

6. 出炉后马上倒扣在酒瓶上, 待完全涼透后用扁平小刀延着边缘括一圈脫模 ,底部也用小刀貼着括一圈脫模

Recipe source : carol easy life

Pumpkin Cheese Chiffon Cake

Pumpkin cheese ingredients  :
75g  cream cheese ( cut into cubed ) ( I used left over mascarpone cheese filling )
5 egg yolks
20g caster sugar
150g  pumpkin puree ( steamed and mashed )
35g corn oil
12g fresh milk
120g superfine flour ( sifted )

For the meringue :
5 egg whites
1tsp lemon juice
70g caster sugar

1. Use hand whisk and beat cream cheese till creamy . Then add in egg yolks , sugar , pumpkin puree , corn oil and fresh milk mix until well combined .

2. Fold in superfine flour in 2 batches , mix until there are no more lumps and forms a smooth batter, set aside.

3. Whisk egg whites and lemon juice  until mixture forms soft peaks, and gradually add in sugar ( in 2 batches ), whisk until frothy and stiff peaks form.

4. Fold in 1/3 of meringue, gently fold with egg yolk batter till slightly combined. Fold in the balance meringue and gently fold till well combined. Pour cake batter into chiffon pan .

5. Tap pan on the counter top to remove air trapped inside the batter. Bake at pre-heated oven at 160c for 45 ~ 50 mins at middle rack or until cooked. .

6. Once done, turn your chiffon tin upside down and cool completely before remove from the tin.When chiffon cake is ready to unmould ,use a plastic thin spatula to run the pan and unmould the chiffon .


I am submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone: BREE # 10 Secret of Chiffon & Roll Cakes organised and hosted by Fion of XuanHom's Mom .


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