Wednesday 17 June 2015

芋泥蛋糕卷~ Yam Swiss Roll


食谱取自 carol自在生活
芋泥蛋糕卷     (我用的烤盘 14 x 10

600g  芋头   (削皮,切成块状或片状,大火蒸20分钟
80g  细砂糖
30g  无盐奶油  
20g  动物性鲜奶油  

1. 将芋头趁热用叉子压成泥状 ( 其中100g 保留加入蛋糕体中 ) .

2. 依序將所有材料加入剩下500g 芋泥中拌合均勻即可 .

3. 放涼就可以使用.


5 蛋黄  
30g  砂糖  
40g 玉米油
100g 芋泥
90g 特幼面粉   ( 过筛 )
25g 鲜奶  

蛋白霜材料 :
5 蛋白  
1茶匙  柠檬汁
60g 细砂糖



3.将蛋白用搅拌器打出一些泡沫 , 然后加入柠檬汁及细砂糖(2次加入) 打成尾端挺立的蛋白霜 (干性发泡)

4.挖一大匙蛋白霜混入蛋黃面糊中用橡皮括刀延著盆边翻转及画圈 圈的方式搅拌均勻。

5.然倒入鋪上烤纸的烤盘中用括板抹平整.進炉前在桌上轻敲几下,敲出较大的气泡,放入已经预热到170c的烤箱中烘烤20 ~ 25分钟或至熟。

6.取出倒扣, 立即把蛋糕纸撕出再铺回蛋糕表面, 以防蛋糕表面吹到风结硬皮。

7.待稍微冷, 把蛋糕反回正面, 在上半段用刀子在表面切3-4条不切到底的线条  (這样卷的時候中心不容易裂开 )

8.将馅料適量均勻涂抹上蛋糕表面。最后用烤纸将整条蛋糕卷起 把蛋糕卷放入冰箱冷藏至少一小时才取出切片享用。

Recipe source :  carol easy life
Yam Swiss Roll      ( I used 14 x 10 inch swiss roll pan )

Yam Paste:
600g yam peel  , cut the yam into cube or small strips and steam on high heat for 20 minutes
80g caster sugar
30g unsalted butter
30g dairy whipping cream  
Making the yam paste :
1. Smash yam with fork while it’s still hot  ( pls keep 100g of the mashed yam for the cake  ) .

2. Mix well with caster sugar ,  unsalted butter to combine. Lastly stir in the dairy whipping cream  and mix well. Yam paste should be smooth.

3. Let it cool and set aside .

For the chiffon cake

Ingredients A :
5 egg yolks  ( I used A size eggs )
30g caster sugar
40g corn oil
100g  yam paste
90g superfine flour ( sifted )
25g fresh milk
a pinch of salt
Ingredients B ( meringue ) :
5 egg whites
1tsp lemon juice
60g caster sugar
Method :
1. Combine egg yolks with sugar, lightly whisk . Add in  corn oil , stir to combine .

2. Then add in yam paste and salt , stir to combine . Lastly add in flour and fresh milk in 2 ~ 3 batches .Mix until smooth and well combined .  

3. Whisk egg whites with lemon juice , beat till foamy . Gradually add in sugar, beat till stiff peaks.

4. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till light. Fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well.

5. Pour batter into the pan , lightly tap the pan to remove air bubble. Bake at preheated oven at 170c for 20 ~ 25mins or until cooked .

6. Remove cake from pan and cool down on wire rack till cool completely.

7. Carefully turn the baked sheet cake onto a piece of baking/parchment paper. Slowly peel off the attached baking/parchment paper from the cake. Place a new piece of baking/parchment paper over the sponge. Make a few slits across the breadth of the cake at the side nearest to you with a knife.

8. Apply yam paste evenly over the surface of the sheet cake. With the shorter side/breadth facing you (if using 10 x 14 inch pan), roll the cake up tightly to form a swiss roll.  Wrap with cling film and place in the fridge to chill and set before serving


I am submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone: BREE #10 Secret of Chiffon & Roll Cakes organised and hosted by Fion of XuanHom's Mom .

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