Tuesday 25 August 2015

排骨金瓜盅 ~ Black Bean Spare Ribs in Pumpkin Bowl


1 中型金瓜
500g  排骨 斩块
1/2大匙 姜茸
1/2大匙 蒜茸
2条红辣椒 切粒

1/2大匙 豆酱
1大匙 绍兴酒
1/2大匙 生抽
1/2小匙 麻油
1/4小匙 胡椒粉

1/2大匙 芡粉水

1. 把金瓜洗干净,切开上部,挖掉瓜和种子,成金瓜盅待用。

2. 烧热油爆香姜茸,蒜茸,豆和红辣椒粒,加入排骨炒匀,加入调味料煮25分钟,加入芡粉水打芡。

3. 盛入金瓜盅,放入煮滚水的蒸锅里,用中火蒸45分钟即可。

Black Bean Spare Ribs in Pumpkin Bowl

Ingredients :
1 medium sized pumpkin
500g spare ribs ( cut into pieces )
2tbsp oil
1/2tbsp chopped ginger
1/2tbsp chopped garlic
2 red chillies ( chopped )
1/2tbsp fermented black beans

Seasonings :
1/2tbsp fermented soya bean paste ( tauchu )
1tbsp Shaoxing wine
1/2tbsp light soy sauce
1tsp sugar
1/2tsp sesame oil
1/4tsp pepper
50ml water

1/2tbsp cornstarch water

Method :
1. Clean the pumpkin . Cut off the top and remove the seeds . Set aside .

2. Heat up oil , sauté chopped ginger , garlic , fermented black beans and red chillies until aromatic . Add in spare ribs and stir-fry until well mixed . Add seasoning and cook for 25 minutes . Thicken with cornstarch water .

3. Transfer the spare ribs mixture into the pumpkin and steam over medium heat for 45 minutes .

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