Sunday 13 September 2015

潮洲梅香肉丝月饼 ~ Teochew Mooncakes

食谱取自 Peng's Kitchen


馅料 :
40g 甜梅菜
35g 白芝麻 
80g  冬瓜糖(切小粒)
1  桔饼(切小粒
50g 肉松
450g 莲蓉馅

1. 甜梅菜洗净,浸水10分钟。挤干水后切幼 。放入锅里免油抄干。

2. 白芝麻免油炒香.

3. 50g莲蓉馅,加入其余材料拌匀。分成10份。

4. 把其余400g的莲蓉馅分成10等份。搓圆。


130g  面粉
65g  白油

油皮料 :
130g  面粉
65g 白油

搽料 :
蛋黄 1 + 2茶匙水(轻轻打散)

1. 水皮 : 将水皮拌成软团,休面 30 分钟,分成 10份,搓圆。

2. 油皮 : 将油皮拌成软团,休面 30 分钟, 分成10份,搓圆。

3. 将水皮压平后包入油皮,擀成长方形,然后像瑞士卷般卷起,休息5分钟。

4. 杆成长形后卷起,盖好休面10分钟。

5. 再将面团杆成长形,再第二次的卷起,盖好休面10分钟。取一份杆成圆薄面皮,包入内馅,收口捏紧,压扁 ,排在烤盘上.

6. 用竹签在表面插小洞,抹上蛋黄液和洒上白芝麻。

7. 预热烤箱180.  20分钟。取出待凉10分钟 。再抹上蛋黄液,继续烤多12 ~ 15分钟或表面淡黄色即可。

Teochew Mooncakes
Recipe source :  Peng's Kitchen

Fillings ingredient  : (10 qty)
40g preserved sweet mui choy
35g white sesame seeds
80g candied melon ( finely chop )
1 candied mandarin orange ( finely chop )
50g pork floss
450g lotus paste

Method :
1. Rinsed preserved mii choy thoroughly and soak in water for 10mins. Squeeze away water and finely chop. Fry in a dry and oiless pan till fragrant and dry. Remove.

2. Using the same pan, fry the sesame seeds until fragrant and lightly browned.

3. Combine 50gm lotus paste with the meat fillings into a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly till well incorporated. Divide into 10 equal portions.

4. Divide the balanced lotus paste into 10 x 40gm portions. Wrap up with the filling and clenched firmly into a ball.

Pastry Dough

Water Dough ingredient :
130g plain flour
65g shortening
65g water

Oil Dough ingredient :
130g flour
65g  shortening

Egg Wash : 1 egg yolk + 2 tsp water

Method :
1. Water dough :  Cut shortening into plain flour and gradually add in water and knead till a soft and non-sticky dough is formed. Cover and rest for 30 mins. Divide into 10 equal portions.

2. Oil dough : Cut shortening into flour and mix till crumbs liked. Lightly knead till it comes together into a soft dough. Cover and rest for 30 mins. Divide into 10 equal portions.

3. To assembly :  Take a portion of water dough and roll it into a flat round shape. Place a portion of oil dough on the rolled water dough and wrap the water dough around the oil dough. Seal the edges. Rest for 5 mins.

4. Using a rolling pin, roll the combined dough into a long strip and roll up like a Swiss roll again. Rest for 10mins .

5. Repeat step 4 one more time .Using a rolling pin, roll the dough into a flat round disc. Place each portion of filling in the center of the dough. Wrap and seal the edges of the dough. Place the wrapped pastry with its seam side down and use a rolling pin to flatten it slightly to form a disc. Transfer the pastries onto the prepared tray with its seam side down. Repeat this shaping method with the rest of the pastry and filling.

6. Prick the surface with a fork, egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds over. Repeat with process with the remaining dough and filling.

7. Bake in preheated oven at 180c for 20 mins. Remove from oven and rest for 10 mins. Egg wash again and bake for another 12 ~ 15 mins until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack before storing .

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