Monday 21 September 2015

煎蛋宝 ~ Treasure Egg Packet

食谱取自 :美味风采@ 8月份
材料 :
6 鸡蛋
150g 猪肉碎
1/2 大葱茸
1/2茶匙 姜茸
1 芥兰叶
调味料 :
( A )
1汤匙 粟粉
1茶匙 绍兴酒
( B )
1/2汤匙  蚝油
1/2汤匙  生抽
1 高汤/
粟粉水适量 勾芡
1. 将鸡蛋以清水煮熟。
2. 把熟蛋对半切,取出蛋黄压碎 ,加入葱茸,姜茸, 肉碎和调味料A拌至粘稠状即为馅,分成12等份。
3. 把蛋白内侧洒上太白粉,再把馅料填入装满,
4. 锅中加入5大汤匙油加热,把蛋宝肉内侧朝下煎至浅褐色及熟,盛盘。
5. 在另一个锅倒入调味料B煮滚后勾芡,淋在蛋宝上。
6. 把芥兰菜灼熟围盘即可。
Recipe source : Oriental Cuisine @ August 2015
Treasure Egg Packet
Ingredients :
6 eggs
150g minced meat
1/2 onion ( chopped ) ( I replaced it with spring onion )
1/2tsp chopped ginger
1 stalk Kailan leaf
Seasoning :
( A )
1tbsp cornflour
1tsp Shao Xing wine
1/4tsp sugar
1/4tsp sugar
( B )
1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tbsp soy sauce
1/4tsp sugar
1 cup stock  / water
dash of sesame oil
some starch for thickening
Method :
1. Hard boil all eggs .
2. Halve the hard-boiled eggs and crush the egg yolk  , mix with chopped onion , ginger , minced meat and seasoning A . Blend with hand until sticky . Divide it into 12 portions .
3. Dust the inner part of egg white withcorn flour and then fill in the filling .
4. Heat 5tbsp oil in wok , place the stuffed eggs with stuffing facing down  , sear until cooked and brown .
5. Bring seasoning B to boil in another wok , thicken with starch and pour over egg .
6. Blanch Kailan until cooked and arrange around the plate . Serve .

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