Friday 29 May 2015

芒果优格雪糕 ~ Mango Yogurt Ice Cream

食谱取自 Aunty Yochana


300g 芒果肉 ( 用料理机打成芒果泥 )
200g 植物性鲜奶油
1茶匙 芒果香精





Recipe source : Aunty Yochana

Mango Yogurt Ice Cream

Ingredient :
300gm mangoes ( puree )
200gm non-dairy whipping cream
1 tsp mango essence
120gm mango flavoured yogurt

Method :
1.Whisk non diary whip cream until thick .

2. Mix yoghurt with mango puree and then fold in whipped cream.

3. Add in mango essence and mix thoroughly.

4. Pour into a container and freeze overnight until it's firm.
I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young .

班兰椰丝杯子糕 ~ Kuih Kosui Pandan

食谱取自 Helena   / Alan


100g (喜欢甜一些可以放110g糖)
200g 清水
300g 香兰汁  (6片班兰叶加入300ml水,用水果搅拌机搅打,挤出香兰汁,过滤 )
1 茶匙班兰浓缩精华(可略省)

50g 嫩椰丝

1. 糖,清水和班兰汁以小火煮至糖完全溶化。

2. 把粘米粉、木薯粉、枧水加入。将全部材料搅拌均匀,放入锅中稍微煮至少许浓稠状。过滤。

3. 小杯子放入蒸锅里大火蒸五分钟。把糊浆倒入预热了的后的杯子里至8分满,以小火蒸大约15分钟或至熟。

4. 把盐加入嫩椰丝内拌匀, 放入香兰叶,大火蒸五分钟。

5. 冷却后,把糕拿出,配椰丝食用。

Recipe source :  Helena / Alan

Kuih Kosui Pandan

Ingredients :
75g rice flour
35g tapioca flour

100g granulated sugar  
200g  water

300g pandan juice  ( blend 6 pieces pandan leaves with 300ml water , and strained )
1/2tsp alkaline water (lye water)
1tsp pandan essence ( optional )

Coating :
50g fresh grated coconut
2 pandan leaves
a pinch of salt

Method :
1. In a pot , add in sugar , water and pandan juice . Cook mixture on low heat till sugar dissolved .

2. In another bowl , add in rice flour, tapioca flour and alkaline water. Mix evenly and pour into (1) . Cook flour mixture till slightly thickened  and strained  .

3. Steam the small cups at high heat for 5 minutes . Pour the mixture into cups until three-quartess full .  Steam on low heat for 15 minutes or until it has set completely .

4. While waiting for the teacups to cool down , steam the grated coconut with pandan leaves and pinch of salt for 5 minutes .

5. When the kuih kosui has cooled down, remove from teacup moulds by running the sides carefully with a small knife. Serve with fresh grated coconut .

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young.

摩摩喳喳 ~ Bubur Cha Cha ( Sweet Potatoes and Yam Dessert Soup )


食谱取自 Nasi Lemak Lover

300橙,黄和紫色番薯 切丁
200g  芋头 ( 切丁 )
6 班兰叶 (打结)
1 椰奶

100g  木薯粉  我把100g的木薯粉和65ml的热水分成2
65ml  热水
青和红色素各一滴 我用甜菜根汁和班兰汁

1. 将青和红色素加入热水里倒入木薯粉,搅拌均匀。

2. 待凉一些就把薯粉搓成面团,把面团擀平,用刀切成菱角形。
3. 准备一个小锅,放入水将水煮滚,将切好的薯块放入,煮至透明状,再放入冷水中冷却。

4. 准备另一个小锅,将2公升水煮滚,放入班兰叶,番薯煮5分钟,然后加入芋头继续煮5 ~ 10分钟。

5. 最后薯粉团,椰奶,糖和盐。即可。

Recipe source :  Nasi Lemak Lover
Bubur Cha Cha  ( Sweet Potatoes and Yam Dessert Soup )
Ingredients :
300g sweet potatoes (combination of orange , yellow and purple potatoes  ) ( small cubed )
200g yam  ( small cubed )
6 pandan leaves (knotted )
2lt water
200g sugar
1/2tsp salt
1 cup coconut milk
To make tapioca jelly :
100g tapioca flour
65ml hot boiling water
A drop of red & green food colouring ( I replaced it with beetroot juice and pandan juice )
Method :
1. To make tapioca jelly, drop red and green food colouring into hot boiling water separately , slowly add into tapioca flour, using a pair of chopstick or spoon to mix well.
2. When it turn slightly warm, use hand to combine and knead till smooth. Dust worktop with tapioca flour, use a rolling pin to roll dough into flatten, cut into small square cubes. Set aside.
3.  Bring water to boil , cook the tapioca jelly in the boiling water, till the rice balls float to the surface. Remove them to the large bowl of room temperature water (fresh cool dip).
4. In another pot , bring 2lt water to boil  , add in sweet potato cubes and pandan leaves, boil about 5 mins, then add in yam cubes, continue to boil for another 5-10mins or until tendered.
5. Add in tapioca jelly, coconut milk, sugar and salt to taste. Bring to boil for few minutes. Serve warm or cold.
I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young.

Saturday 9 May 2015

瑞士焗排骨 ~ Swiss Grilled Pork Ribs

食谱取自 一头猪,从头到尾


材料 A :
600g  排骨 2寸长
100g  洋葱 切角
300 g 马玲薯 去皮 ,切角)
10g 牛油

材料 B ( 捣碎 )
30g  蒜头
100g 红葱头

材料  C :
1汤匙 咖哩粉
1汤匙 番茄酱
300ml  清水/ 上汤

1汤匙  生抽
1/8茶匙  胡椒粉
1汤匙  玉米粉

1.  排骨加入腌料拌匀,腌2小时,然后用热油炸至金黄色(约4分钟 )。马铃薯也用热油炸至金黄色。洋葱过油,沥干。

2.锅中烧热3大匙油,爆香材料B .加入材料C, 炸排骨,马玲薯和洋葱,用中火煮10分钟,取出,放在深碗中。


Recipe source : Cooking With Meat

Swiss Grilled Pork Ribs

Ingredients A :
600g pork ribs  ( cut into 2-inch length )
100g onion ( cut into wedges )
300g potato ( peeled and cut into wedges )
10g butter

Ingredients B  ( pounded ) :
30g garlic
100g shalots

Ingredients C :
1tbsp curry powder
1tbsp ketchup
300ml water / stock
3/4tsp salt
1/2tsp sugar

Marinade :
1tbsp light soy sauce
1/2tsp sugar
1/4tsp salt
1/8tsp pepper
1tbsp corn flour

Method :
1.  Mix the pork ribs with marinade and set aside for 2 hours . Deep-fry in heated oil until golden brown ( about 4 minutes ) . Deep-fry potatoes until golden brown . Quick –fry onion in heated oil . Remove and drain well .

2. Heat up 3tbsp of oil in a wok , stir-fry ingredients B until fragrant. Add in ingredients C , fried pork rins , potatoes and onion , cook over medium heat for 10 minutes . Remove and transfer them to a deep bowl .

3. Put the butter on top , place the bpwl in an oven and bake at 200c for 20 minutes until the surface turns light golden brown .


柠檬塔 ~ Lemon Tarts

食谱取自 : Dailydelicious
柠檬  ~  可做 10 - 11 7.5cm 塔模

15g  杏仁粉
g  糖粉
冷奶油 切小块

100ml   柠檬汁
柠檬皮屑( 取自1粒柠檬
100g 砂糖
60 无盐奶油


2. 加入奶油和蛋拌打均匀。

3. 搅拌成顺滑的面团。

4. 盖上保鲜纸,放入冰箱冷冻30分钟

5. 柠檬酱馅料 在碗里,倒入蛋,无盐奶油,盐,柠檬汁和皮屑。

6. 隔水,不停的搅拌,煮至浓稠状。

7. 熄火。盖上保鲜膜。备用。

8. 把面团取出,分成小圆球,放入塔模里,把多余的面团除掉。将塔模放入冰箱冷藏15 ~ 30分钟。

9. 取出,放入预热烤炉,以180度烤约18分钟,即可。

10. 把塔取出烤箱,倒入柠檬酱。再放入烤箱里烤2分钟。即可。

Recipe source :  Dailydelicious

Lemon Tarts  ~   Make 10-11  tarts ( 7.5cm tart pan )

Pastry ingredients :
150g  cake flour
15g  almond powder
45g icing sugar
1g salt
1 egg
75g butter ( cold cut into small pieces )

Filling :
2 eggs
100ml  lemon juice
zest from 1 lemon
100g  granulated sugar
60g  unsalted butter
a pinch of salt

Method :
1. Put the flour, icing sugar, almond powder and salt into a bowl of food processor and process to combine. ( I used hand whisk )

2. Put the butter into the bowl, and process until combine.  Pour the egg into the bowl.

3. Process until dough formed. Remove from the food processor bowl , and press into a ball.

4. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

5. For the filling : Put the eggs, butter, salt, lemon juice and lemon zest into a bowl.

6. Place the bowl over a saucepan with simmering water (boil the water, then reduce the heat to simmer). Whisk all the time.

7. The mixture will combine and thicken, the temperature is about 80C. Remove from the heat and place plastic wrap directly over the filling.

8. Roll the pastry and divide it into small ball .  Line into 7.5 cm small tart pans. Refrigerate for 15-30 minutes.

9. Preheat the oven to 180c  . Bake the pastry for 18 minutes.
10. Remove from the oven, pour the filling into the pastry shell, return to the oven and bake for 2 minutes. Take the pastry out of the oven, let it cool a bit then remove the lemon tart from the pans.