Wednesday 13 January 2016

八星报喜(八宝连子鸡) ~ Eight Treasure Chicken

食谱取自 厨苑食谱


材料A :
1 只鸡
100g 莲子
100g  干贝
50g 白果
40g  红萝卜(切粒)
4 蘑菇(切粒)
3 香菇(泡软 , 切粒)
50g  粟米(切粒)

材料B :
1小匙 花椒
4 八角
1小只 桂皮
1小匙 小茴香
1棵 青葱
50g  生姜 ( 拍扁 )
1大匙 酱油
1小匙 黑酱油
600ml  清水

调味料 A  ( 涂鸡用 ) :
1小匙 酱油

调味料 B :
1大匙 蚝油
1大匙 酱油
1小匙 五香粉
1小匙 胡椒粉
1大匙 酱油
1大匙 绍兴酒
1大匙 清水

调味料C ( 汁调味 )
1/2大匙 蚝油
1/2大匙 酱油
1大匙 麻油
1大匙 绍兴酒

1. 把鸡洗净后用调味料(A )将鸡外涂抹均匀,然后放入热油里以大火炸香呈金黄色,盛起,马上浸泡冷水中约20分钟至冷却,取出备用。

2. 锅里烧热1大匙油,加入莲子和其余的材料(A )略炒香浓,加入调味料( B )拌炒均匀,用少许粟粉水勾芡,取出,醸进鸡肚空穴里,封口。

3. 把鸡盛在蒸盘上,加入所有材料( B )和清水,用保鲜纸盖好。盛入预热蒸炉以中火蒸约1 ½ 小时至鸡肉酥软入味,取出鸡上碟,并将鸡汁(约400毫升)盛起备用。

4. 把鸡汁在锅里煮开,加入调味料( C )拌匀,以少许粟粉水勾芡, 盛起,淋在八宝鸡上,即可。

Recipe source : May Law
Eight Treasure Chicken

Ingredients A :
1 no whole chicken
100g lotus seeds
100g scallop
50g gingko nuts
40g carrot (diced)
4 button mushrooms (diced )
3 shitake mushrooms (soaked, diced )
60g big onions (diced )
50g young corn cobs (diced )

Ingredients B :
1tsp pepper
4 star anises
1 cinnamon stick
1tsp cumins
1 stalk spring onions
50g fresh ginger ( flatten )
1tsp salt
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tsp dark soy sauce
600ml water

Seasoning A ( brushing chicken )  :
1 tsp light soy sauce

Seasoning B  :
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tsp five spices powder
1tsp sugar
1tsp pepper
1tsp dark soy sauce
1tbsp Shaoxing wine
1tbsp water

Seasoning C  ( sauce seasoning ) :
1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tbsp light soy sauce
1/2tsp sugar
1/2tsp sesame oil
1tbsp Shaoxing wine

1. Rinse chicken, brush seasoning ( A ) all over to the chicken skin. Deep fry in the hot oil over high heat until golden in colour. Remove, soak in cool water immediately, soak it for 20 minutes. Dish out, set aside.

2. Heat up 1 tbsp oil in the hot wok, stir-fry lotus seeds and the remaining ingredients ( A ) till fragrant. Add in seasoning ( B ) and toss well. Thicken sauce with cornstarch solutions. Dish out all ingredients and stuff it into the cavity of the chicken, sealed before steam.

3. Put stuffed chicken on a heatproof large plate, add in entire ingredients ( B ) and water. Cover with heatproof plastic sheet. Steam in the preheated steamer over medium-high heat for approximately 1 ½ hours, until the chicken meat is tender and the flavor have been absorbed. Dish out the chicken, retain 400ml of the chicken liquid.

4. Cook the sauce liquid in the hot wok, once boiled. Add in seasoning ( C ), stir well. Next, thicken sauce with cornstarch solutions. Remove from heat, pour over to the stuffed chicken. Serve hot.

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