Friday 11 March 2016

西式茄汁鸡卷 ~ Chicken Roulade with Pasta Sauce

食谱取自 Masa の料理ABC

材料 :
2 腿肉
10 四季豆
10  红萝卜条
 洋蔥 切薄片
2 芝士 ( 切条状 )
~ 4  高丽菜 / 包菜  ( 切小 )
g  Prego 我用原味的)
1 ~ 2片 芝士

1. 煮滚一锅水,加入四季豆和红萝卜条。把蔬菜灼至半熟。待凉。

2. 鸡腿摊开切成扒形,有筋部位以刀割断,以防烤时鸡肉卷缩。撒上盐和黑胡椒粉。

3. 把四季豆,红萝卜和芝士条排放在肉上面。然后卷紧再用麻绳捆绑。

4. 表面撒上和黑胡椒粉。

5. 锅子开中火,加入一点油。把鸡肉卷放进去。把表面煎至金黃色。

6. 同一子直接加入切好的洋蔥,炒到透明,然后放入高丽菜炒至软。

7. 加入Prego酱,水和芝士片,搅拌均匀。( Prego醬跟水的比例可以自己整。要做成汤的話,可以加入多一点水喔!)

8. 加入鸡肉卷 ,煮至滚后转小火,加盖再煮10 ~ 12 分钟左右。

9. 把麻绳拿掉,切片后即可配上酱汁享用。


Recipe source : Masa-san

Chicken Roulade with Pasta Sauce

Ingredients :
2 deboned chicken thighs
10 fresh green beans  ( edges trimmed  )
10 carrot strip

1/4  onion   ( finely chopped )
2 slices cheese ( cut into long strips )
3 ~ 4  cabbage  ( cut into small pieces )
300g pasta sauce ( I used Prego brand traditional pasta sauce )
100ml water
1 ~ 2 slices cheese
kitchen string

Method :
1. Bring a pot of water to boil  , add in fresh green beans and carrot strips . Blanch until half cooked . Let cool and set aside .

2. Butterfly chicken thighs and cut off its muscle to prevent the meat over extract during cooking  . Season with some black pepper and salt .

3. Roll up with filling ( 5 blanched green beans , 5 carrot strips each and some cheese strips  ) and truss chicken with kitchen string .

4. Sprinkle some black pepper and salt again .

5. Heat non-stick pan with some oil , pan fry the chicken roll at medium heat till golden brown .

6. Using the same pan ,  add in onion and sauté till fragrant . Then add in cabbage , stir-fry till soft .

7. Add in pasta sauce , water and cheese sliced , mix till well combined  ( The ratio for Prego sauce and water ratio can be adjusted yourself . )

8. Add in chicken roll  and bring to boil . Turn to low heat , covered  and cook for another 10 ~ 12 minutes .

9. Removed the kitchen string  , cut into slices and serve with pasta sauce .

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