Sunday 5 June 2016

香兰天使蛋糕 ~ Pandan Angel Cake

食谱取自 : 天使蛋糕 @ Kevin Chai


材料 :
120ml  班兰汁
70ml  椰浆
100g  低筋面粉
1/2小匙  班兰香精
220g  蛋白
2g  塔塔粉
80g  细砂糖

做法 :
1. 准备17寸圆形烤盘,底部铺上油纸。预热烤箱160c , 备用。

2. 在搅拌盆将班兰汁,盐,椰浆,面粉,班兰香精和50g 蛋白搅拌均匀,备用。

3. 在搅拌机将剩余的蛋白和塔塔粉打发至粗泡沫状,将细砂糖分次加入,继续打发至硬性发泡。

4. 把蛋白霜分次加入鲜奶糊中,搅拌均匀成面糊。

5. 把面糊倒入烤盘,铺平,盛入烤箱烘约30分钟至熟 ( 我用150度 烤60分钟 )。取出倒扣在架子上待冷却。

6. 把蛋糕从烤盘取出, 即可切片。

Recipe source : Angel Cake by Kevin Chai

Pandan Angel Cake

Ingredients :
120ml pandan juice
1g salt
70ml coconut milk
100g low protein flour
1/2tsp pandan essence
220g egg whites
2g cream of tartar
75g caster sugar

Method :
1. Line a bottom of a 7-in baking tin with greaseproof paper . Preheat oven to 160c.

2. In a mixing bowl , stir pandan juice , salt , coconut milk  , flour , pandan essence and 50g of egg whites until well combined .

3. In a mixer , whisk the rest of egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks forms . Gradually add in sugar , continue whisk until stiff peaks forms .

4. Gradually fold the egg white foam into milk mixture until forms batter .

5. Spread batter into cake tin . Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until cooked ( I baked for 60 minutes @ 150c ) . Remove and leave to cool on wire rack .

6. Remove cake from cake tin , slice and serve .

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