Thursday 4 August 2016

吐拿鱼火腿披萨 ~ Tuna & Chicken Pepperoni Pizza


食谱取自 : 新新饮食 @ 100

基本披萨饼皮 ( 可做3份 )

材料 :
500g 面粉
1/2大匙 即溶干酵母
250ml 冰水

做法 :
1. 将面粉,即溶干酵母,盐和糖放入搅拌机理搅匀,加入冰水喝橄榄油拌打成光滑的面团。

2. 用湿布盖好,发至双倍大,约1小时。

3. 即可切成需要的重量

Recipe source : YumYum Magazine  @ No .100

Basic Pizza Dough ( Makes 3 portions )

Ingredients :
500g plain flour
1/2tbsp instant dry yeast
1/2tbsp salt
1tbsp sugar
250ml ice water
1tbsp olive oil

Method :
1. Put plain flour , instant dry yeast , salt and sugar into a mixing bowl and stir well . Add in ice water , olive oil and beat into a smooth and elastic dough .

2. Cover with wet towel and leave to proof until doubled in size , about 1 hour  .

3. The dough is now ready to be used  .


披萨酱意大利面番茄酱  ( 我用Prego意大利面番茄酱 )      
Mozzarella 芝士丝
Parmesan 芝士碎
火腿 ( 切丁 )  - 我用切片的chicken pepperoni
青椒 ( 切圈 )

做法 :
1. 把披萨皮切成3份,搓圆,休息15分钟,按扁,放在烤盘里。面皮底部用叉子扎一些小洞。

2. 涂上披萨酱料,均匀撒上一层mozzarella 芝士丝后再撒上吐拿鱼,火腿丁。

3. 继续洒一层mozzarella 芝士丝,再铺上青椒。表面铺上几片完整的火腿片,撒上mozzarella 芝士丝和parmesan

4. 放入已预热烤箱,用250度烤15 ~ 20分钟,至芝士溶化和金黄色即可。

Tuna & Chicken Pepperoni Pizza

Filing ingredients :
pizza sauce ( I used Prego pasta sauce )
Mozzarella cheese ( shredded )
Parmesan cheese ( grated )
ham ( diced ) – I used sliced chicken pepperoni
green pepper ( sliced )

Method :
1. Divide pizza dough into 3 parts . Round up and rest for 15 minutes . Roll out the dough and place onto a baking tray .
2. Use fork to make some tiny hole at the surface of the dough 。Spread pizza sauce over the dough . Sprinkle shredded mozzarella cheese , follow by tuna meat and ham .

3. Then sprinkle another layer of mozzarella cheese , green pepper . Place a few slices of ham on top . Lastly sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese .
4. Bake in the preheated oven at 250c for 15 ~ 20 minutes or until the cheese has melted and turned into golden brown . Remove and serve .


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